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Hello all - I am a WikiFan, and have enjoyed sharing knowledge within Wikipedia. I currently live in Seattle, Washington, where I work for a major telecommunications company. I consider myself to be an information junkie, and can be usually be found engrossed in a copy of Uncle_John's_Bathroom_Reader. I tend to enjoy information that is from a NPOV, however am usually open to opinions that challenge thoughts and perceptions. Information, within itself, is intended to give a person enough of an idea about a subject to form their own opinion regarding it. For that end, I feel it very appropriate to challenge an opinion. My job is working in Reporting and Analysis, where I use facts and data to draw conclusions and trends about the business that I work in. I try to apply this to my general daily life, where I use what I view to allow me to make decisions regarding how I live. I attempt to remain flexible when approaching situations, and allow others to give their input.