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User:Myron Wolf Child

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Myron Wolf Child has witnessed many hardships in his young life. Instead of allowing these hardships to adversely affect him however, he has chosen to turn them into motivation and endless energy. Myron wants to make the world a better place for aboriginal youth and for youth in general.

Serving on numerous youth organizations throughout the province, Myron speaks tirelessly of his passion - simply that all children be allowed the right to achieve their goals and dreams.

As a volunteer for the past six years on the Blood Reserve in southern Alberta, Myron has helped establish various successful youth groups including the Flying Eagles Youth Council, the Kainai Youth Council, the Peigan Youth Task Force, the Junior Foundation and the First Nations Liaison Project.

Myron carries a message of hope and determination, two things he feels are of great importance to his community and the Blood People. He is passionate about his education, and has emerged a confident young man who is a true role model. When you know Myron you will understand that his dream of being Canada's first aboriginal prime minister is not that far out of his reach.