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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have been a member of the wikipedia since september 2002. At the moment, I'm enjoying reading through the entries and sometimes contributing a little bit.

I graduated in 2002 as a computer scientist from the University of Ghent, Belgium. My main interests are politics and social sciences, Anti-globalization and software design and java programming.

Currently I work as a free software developer for the Free University of Brussels (Belgium), working mainly on Dokeos. In my spare time I am a human rights activist.

I am fluent in Dutch and English.


typo fixes; the initial entry of sweatshops; some of the improvements concerning Anti-globalization, Racism, Ideology, Multinational corporations, Free Trade Zones, Dokeos...

Favorite links[edit]

Wikipedia itself[edit]



Political and social links[edit]



Nederlands / Dutch[edit]

Er is ook een nederlandstalige wikipedia: http://nl.wikipedia.org.