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"Mudasir" (moo-dass-ir) is an arabic name which means "one who has wrapped himself in a small black blanket". This is one of the names of the prophet of Islam, Muhammed but of course it was already in the use of the arabophones of that time.It would be wrong to assume that this name came with the arrival of Koran. Today this name is adopted by the Arabs and also the Muslims all over the world who are not arabophones.

According to the legends of Islam, when Gabriel (Jibra'il) brought the first revelation to the prophet Muhammed when he was meditating at the Hira cave near Makka, he got scared and rushed to his home; On reaching there he asked his wife Khadeeja to hand him a blanket as he had fever; For the following days, he stayed at home, did not go out and nor did he saw anyone; then one day, Gabriel again came to him with the second next reveltaion from the God which said, "Stand up aye Mudasir! (Arabic: Ya-a'e-u hull mudasir)". the God then went on to encourage him to go out and preachto the world at large.

Here the God addressed him as Mudasir which is used to signify the current state of the prophet Muhammed who was inundated by the grandeur of the God and had hid himself in a small blanket at his home. Today this name also serves as a chapter (surah) of Koran (Al Qur'aan. So the name is not simply "the person clad in black blanket" but it depicts a person who is "shy, timid, staying at his abode to avoid others and uses some thing like a blanket as a sheild".

Mudasir 28 Dec 2004