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why i write

i write because i never want to die.

long after my pen has rolled its final word, i don't expect to be heard. when it becomes hard to picture exactly what i look like, my wrinkled expression some faint, faded charcoal drawing, i suspect someone will try to picture how i looked, which way i tilted my head and how i creased my brow when i was serious and thinking. when no one can feel the glare of my smile, someone will hear my laughter. i am a Freemanwriter bequeathing words and reflection, words and introspection, words and early detection to the people around me. they will know when i am gone what i have known, seen, felt, heard, touched and smelled. i will live forever and ever . . . amen

my word has become a voice so much a part of me

that i hear it even when i choose not to listen. we are inseparable, this voice and i. we hurt from the same wounds, cry the same tears, rejoice in identical laughter, bask in the same intellect, and speak the same uncensored and unapologetic truths. the Word and i must continue to be one forever and ever . . . amen.

i write, i write, i write . . . because it's the only logical response to an illogical situation.

if you find me sitting over an unfinished work that i am no longer sculpting with my fingers, conjure me an epitaph (the living need those too, you know): "here lies . he spent his life looking for his own space, and holding the hands of his brothers and sisters, and massaging the keloid lashes in the hearts of his fellowmen and restoring people to their greatness. the man wrote himself to death . . . amen.

and i am waiting for that day when I no longer have to feel this pain...

i am waiting for you..if i die waiting..my hope is that You will bring me back to a new life...amen

Its 2:45am and I'm still wide awake,its not that I can't sleep ,its just that that I am not suppose to close my eyes yet,and how am I suppose to relax when I have loads of work to finish and a mindful of thoughts in my head that needs some figuring out............................................................................. ..April 3, 2005 ..the months of 2005 went so fast its already summer.The humidity is almost unbearable and so are the days.the days went into years,I feel like going down , down ,down and deeper and sinking,,I couldn't breath anymore ,somebody save me from drowning from this foreign deep